Latex ä¸ć Option 1
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Latex ä¸ć Option 2
%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
%From Smart Kanji Book template released under CC-BY-SA :
%Source :
%Will only work with xelatex, IPAex fonts and GNU Unifont
% \usepackage[fallback]{xeCJK}
% \usepackage{CJKfntef}
% \ExplSyntaxOn
% \xpatchcmd\__xeCJK_check_family:n{\__xeCJK_warning:nxx}{\__xeCJK_info:nxx}{}{}
% \ExplSyntaxOff
% due to unexpected xelatex error with ipaexm.ttf and ipaexg.ttf fonts
% \setCJKmainfont{FandolSong-Regular}
Š 2013 Thomas Schneider\\
Released under \href{}{CC-BY-SA}. If you want to reuse it, please respect the atttribution clause by linking to the \href{}{original document} (\href{}{emailing me} would also be nice).
\paragraph{Many Thanks to:}
\item James Heisig for inspiring this template with his book Remembering the Kanji.
\chapter*{Smart Kanji Book Template}
\section*{Inspired by Remembering the Kanji}
{\fontsize{3em}{3.6em}\selectfont 柢ĺ }
\textbf{ {\Large : keyword } \hfill {\large parts, parts}}
\paragraph{} Story
\item[word] definition
Tikz Matrix
\begin{tikzpicture}[outer sep=0.05cm,node distance=0.8cm,]
\tikzstyle{bigbox} = [draw=blue!50, thick, fill=blue!10, rounded corners, rectangle]
\tikzstyle{box} = [minimum size=0.6cm, rounded corners,rectangle, fill=blue!50]
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\node[box,right of=11] (12) {2};
\node[box,right of=12] (13) {3};
\node[box,below of=11] (21) {4};
\node[box,right of=21] (22) {5};
\node[box,right of=22] (23) {6};
\node[bigbox] [fit = (11) (23)] {};