What is machine learning

Three key parts

Machine learning (ML) is a modern software development technique, and a type of artificial intelligence (AI), that enables computers to solve problems by using examples of real-world data. It allows computers to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed to do so.

Machine learning is part of the broader field of artificial intelligence. This field is concerned with the capability of machines to perform activities using human-like intelligence. Within machine learning there are several different kinds of tasks or techniques:

  • In supervised learning , every training sample from the dataset has a corresponding label or output value associated with it. As a result, the algorithm learns to predict labels or output values. We will explore this in-depth in this lesson.
  • In unsupervised learning , there are no labels for the training data. A machine learning algorithm tries to learn the underlying patterns or distributions that govern the data. We will explore this in-depth in this lesson.
  • In reinforcement learning , the algorithm figures out which actions to take in a situation to maximize a reward (in the form of a number) on the way to reaching a specific goal. This is a completely different approach than supervised and unsupervised learning.

How is machine learning different?

In traditional problem-solving with software, a person analyzes a problem and engineers a solution in code to solve that problem. For many real-world problems, this process can be laborious (or even impossible) because a correct solution would need to take a vast number of edge cases into consideration.

Imagine, for example, the challenging task of writing a program that can detect if a cat is present in an image. Solving this in the traditional way would require careful attention to details like varying lighting conditions, different types of cats, and various poses a cat might be in.

In machine learning, the problem solver abstracts away part of their solution as a flexible component called a model, and uses a special program called a model training algorithm to adjust that model to real-world data. The result is a trained model which can be used to predict outcomes that are not part of the dataset used to train it.

In a way, machine learning automates some of the statistical reasoning and pattern-matching the problem solver would traditionally do.

The overall goal is to use a model created by a model-training algorithm to generate predictions or find patterns in data that can be used to solve a problem.

Classifying based on label type

In supervised learning , there are two main identifiers that you will see in machine learning:

  • A categorical label has a discrete set of possible values. In a machine learning problem in which you want to identify the type of flower based on a picture, you would train your model using images that have been labeled with the categories of the flower that you want to identify. Furthermore, when you work with categorical labels, you often carry out classification tasks, which are part of the supervised learning family.
  • A continuous (regression) label does not have a discrete set of possible values, which often means you are working with numerical data. In the snow cone sales example, we are trying to predict the number of snow cones sold. Here, our label is a number that could, in theory, be any value.

In unsupervised learning, clustering is just one example. There are many other options, such as deep learning.

Clustering , an unsupervised learning task that helps to determine if there are any naturally occurring groupings in the data.

  • A categorical label has a discrete set of possible values, such as “is a cat” and “is not a cat”.
  • A continuous (regression) label does not have a discrete set of possible values, which means there are potentially possibly an unlimited number of possibilities.
  • Discrete : A term taken from statistics referring to an outcome taking on only a finite number of values (such as days of the week).
  • A label refers to data that already contains the solution.
  • Using unlabeled data means you don’t need to provide the model with any kind of label or solution while the model is being trained.

Machine learning models

Linear models

One of the most common models covered in introductory coursework, linear models simply describe the relationship between a set of input numbers and a set of output numbers through a linear function (think of y = mx + b or a line on a x vs y chart). Classification tasks often use a strongly related logistic model, which adds an additional transformation mapping the output of the linear function to the range [0, 1], interpreted as “probability of being in the target class.” Linear models are fast to train and give you a great baseline against which to compare more complex models. A lot of media buzz is given to more complex models, but for most new problems, consider starting with a simple model.

Tree-based models

Tree-based models are probably the second most common model type covered in introductory coursework. They learn to categorize or regress by building an extremely large structure of nested if/else blocks, splitting the world into different regions at each if/else block. Training determines exactly where these splits happen and what value is assigned at each leaf region. For example, if you’re trying to determine if a light sensor is in sunlight or shadow, you might train tree of depth 1 with the final learned configuration being something like if (sensor_value > 0.698), then return 1; else return 0;. The tree-based model XGBoost is commonly used as an off-the-shelf implementation for this kind of model and includes enhancements beyond what is discussed here. Try tree-based models to quickly get a baseline before moving on to more complex models.

Deep learning models

Extremely popular and powerful, deep learning is a modern approach that is based around a conceptual model of how the human brain functions. The model (also called a neural network) is composed of collections of neurons (very simple computational units) connected together by weights (mathematical representations of how much information thst is allowed to flow from one neuron to the next). The process of training involves finding values for each weight. Various neural network structures have been determined for modeling different kinds of problems or processing different kinds of data. A short (but not complete!) list of noteworthy examples includes:

  • FFNN: The most straightforward way of structuring a neural network, the Feed Forward Neural Network (FFNN) structures neurons in a series of layers, with each neuron in a layer containing weights to all neurons in the previous layer.
  • CNN: Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) represent nested filters over grid-organized data. They are by far the most commonly used type of model when processing images.
  • RNN/LSTM: Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) and the related Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model types are structured to effectively represent for loops in traditional computing, collecting state while iterating over some object. They can be used for processing sequences of data.
  • Transformer: A more modern replacement for RNN/LSTMs, the transformer architecture enables training over larger datasets involving sequences of data. Machine learning using Python libraries

For more classical models (linear, tree-based) as well as a set of common ML-related tools, take a look at scikit-learn. The web documentation for this library is also organized for those getting familiar with space and can be a great place to get familiar with some extremely useful tools and techniques. For deep learning, mxnet, tensorflow, and pytorch are the three most common libraries. For the purposes of the majority of machine learning needs, each of these is feature-paired and equivalent.

Introduction to reinforcement learning

Reinforcement learning consists of several key concepts:

Agent is the entity being trained. In our example, this is a dog. Environment is the “world” in which the agent interacts, such as a park. Actions are performed by the agent in the environment, such as running around, sitting, or playing ball. Rewards are issued to the agent for performing good actions.

Let’s use the game Breakout as an example. The objective of the game is to control the paddle and direct the ball to hit the bricks and make them disappear. A reinforcement learning model has no idea what the purpose of the game is, but by being rewarded for good behavior (in this case, hitting a brick with the ball) it learns over time that it should do that to maximise reward.

In this situation, the:

Agent is the paddle; Environment is the game scenes with the bricks and boundaries; Actions are the movement of the paddle; and Rewards are issued by the reinforcement learning model based upon the number of bricks hit with the ball.


The first thing to point out is that AWS DeepRacer uses both PPO and SAC algorithms to train stochastic policies. So they are similar in that regard. However, there is a key difference between the two algorithms.

PPO (Proximal Policy Optimization) uses “on-policy” learning. This means it learns only from observations made by the current policy exploring the environment - using the most recent and relevant data. Say you are learning to drive a car, on-policy learning would be analogous to you reviewing a video of your most recent lesson and taking note of what you did well, and what needs improvement.

In contrast, SAC (Soft Actor Critic) uses “off-policy” learning. This means it can use observations made from previous policies exploration of the environment - so it can also use old data. Going back to our learning to drive analogy, this would involve reviewing videos of your driving lessons from the last few weeks. Even though you have probably improved since those lessons, it can still be helpful to watch those videos in order to reinforce good and bad things. It could also include reviewing videos of other drivers to get ideas about good and bad things they might be doing.

So what are some benefits and drawbacks of each approach?

PPO generally needs more data as it has a reasonably narrow view of the world, since it does not consider historical data - only the data in front of it during each policy update. In contrast, SAC does consider historical data so it needs less new data for each policy update. That said, PPO can produce a more stable model in the short-term as it only considers the most recent, relevant data - compared with SAC which might produce a less stable model in the short-term since it considers less relevant, historical data.


AWS DeepRacer Student
